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Travel Blog

Guide to the real home of Fortitude: Reydarfjordur, Iceland

There aren't really any demented polar bears in the Icelandic fjord that doubles as the home of the Arctic thriller - but there's plenty of spectacular scenery.

Finding Fortitude

Head to Iceland's east coast to explore the spectacular locations in the Arctic thriller

‘Stop standing in front of East Iceland, dear meteorologists’

‘Stop standing in front of East Iceland, dear meteorologists,’ (Hættið að standa fyrir Austurlandi kæru veðurfræðingar) is the name of a new Facebook page with 136 members.

Three reasons East Iceland needs the Holidays

We all need the holidays but in East Iceland we really, really, really need them. Here are three good reasons why we need them according to our partners and good friends at Tanni Travel/Meet the Locals.

Exploring The Forests Of Lagarfljót

"We take off from Reykjavík in the midst of a dour, spitting dawn. As the small propellor plane races down the runway and lurches away from the ground, the familiar colourful rooftops of the city and the graceful, snowy curve of Mount Esja vanish quickly beneath a carpet of clouds."
The race is 27 KM, starting at

"The best trail race in East Iceland"

As we stood on the pier in Neskaupstaður, waiting for the boat and our turn to cross the fjord to the start line on the distant other side, it felt like a dream finally coming true."

Unexplored Iceland: A Visit to the East Coast

"East Iceland feels like what Reykjavik’s immediate environs used to before the tourist boom began some years back—quiet, remote, wild, and refreshingly untouched." - VIRGINIA VAN ZANTEN - VOGUE

Iceland’s really wild side

Last summer a new flight opened up the country’s most mysterious coastline to travellers with a taste for adventure — and a faith in elvish magic.

East Iceland Official Tourist Guide 2016-2017

See the new East Iceland Official Tourist Guide 2016-2017 here. Listed in the brochure are companies that have possess all permits to run a tourism company in Iceland. The Guide offers a you the opportunity to view most of East Iceland's tourism companies in one place. If you can't find in the book you will find it here.

How to travel GREEN!

80% of those visiting Iceland come to experience its breathtaking nature. In order to preserve this beauty for future generations, please read the following information and instructions and keep them in mind during your stay.

Need a reason to visit? Here are ten!

East Iceland is an area of many charms but it has not reached the same fame as the south east or the north. Here are 10 reasons why you should make East Iceland a destination on its own.

Discover the World launches new direct flights to Egilsstaðir opening up East Iceland to British visitors for 2016 travels

A press release from Discover the World: In response to the growing popularity of Iceland with British visitors, Discover the World, leading travel experts to this mid-Atlantic island, has announced it will be launching a new direct flight to Egilsstaðir in East Iceland next Summer.