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Splitboard and skitouring trip to Vöðlavík

March 6 - 8

Price description

80.000 ISK

A 3-day trip under the guidance of Rúnar Pétur, where you will tour from Breiðavík to Vöðlavík, where we will stay for 2 nights. From there, we will go for tours in the secluded area around, including to Skúmhöttur, going for rides from mountain peaks down the beach. Sit by a campfire, eat, chat, participate in the Hut quiz, and have fun.


Wednesday, March 6

  • 7.30 a.m. flight from Reykjavík to Egilsstaðir and bus ride to Eskifjörður.
  • Arrival in Mjóeyri at 9:30
  • Luggage sorted for Vöðlavík. 1 bag + 1 sleeping bag per participant.
  • 10:00 a.m. Drive to Breiðavík, from where we start touring.
  • Touring towards Víkurheiði. We might skin up Náttmálahnjúkur and ski/board from there to Karlstaðir in Vöðlavík.
  • The luggage is transported to Vöðlavík on Ski doos.
  • Guests settle in the cabin at Karlsstaðir.
  • Optional afternoon trip to Vöðlavík.
  • Dinner.
  • Meeting where we plan the following days together.


Photographer: Chris Burkard

Thursday, March 7

  • 8.00 Breakfast
  • Touring to Skúmhöttur 881m. from where ski/board down
  • Midday refreshments
  • More touring which ends with riding down to the beach
  • Bonfire and party
  • Dinner
  • Hut quiz hosted by our very own master, Víðir
  • Overnight stay at Karlstaðir in Vöðlavík


Varðeldur. Ljósmynd: Chris Burkard
Photographer: Chris Burkard

Friday, March 8

  •  8:00 Breakfast
  • Luggage pickup and transport
  • Touring towards Eskifjörður
  • Ski/snowboard down to Breiðuvík
  • 17:00 Bus from Mjóeyri to Oddskarð ski resort.

Guides: Rúnar Pétur Hjörleifsson and Barði Westin

Total price: ISK 80,000.

What´s included: Dinner on Wednesday. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Thursday. Breakfast and lunch on Friday. Accommodation in the cabin at Karlstaðir in Vöðlavík.

Guides throughout the trip: Rúnar Pétur Hjörleifsson and Barði Westin.

Luggage transport to and from Vöðlavík. Bus trips in connection with the trip.

NOTE: Bring a sleeping bag, crampons for your skis or board and avalanche safety equipment.

 For more detailed information and bookings you can contact us by phone: 6960809 or by email:

All participants are at their own risk.


GPS points

N65° 2' 7.261" W13° 36' 57.014"


Vöðlavík, Iceland


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